CCHCR1, ID (Coiled-coil alpha-helical Rod Protein 1, Alpha-helical Coiled-coil Rod Protein, Putative Gene 8 Protein, Pg8, HCR, C6orf18)

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0,2 mL

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658 EUR

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The CCHCR1, ID (Coiled-coil alpha-helical Rod Protein 1, Alpha-helical Coiled-coil Rod Protein, Putative 8 Protein, Pg8, HCR, C6orf18) is a α- or alpha protein sometimes glycoprotein present in blood.cDNA genes are a locus (or region) of DNA for functional transcript RNA or protein. An ELISA is used to detect the expressed protein in biological fluids, serum, saliva.